A.I Narrative Generation

RimWorld Console Edition is an A.I. driven storyteller at its core.

The Storytellers

RimWorld Console Edition is designed to co-author tragic, twisted, and triumphant stories about imprisoned pirates, desperate colonists, starvation and survival. It works by controlling the “random” events that the world throws at you. Every thunderstorm, pirate raid, and traveling salesman is a card dealt into your story by the AI Storyteller. There are several storytellers to choose from. Randy Random does crazy stuff, Cassandra Classic goes for rising tension, and Phoebe Chillax likes to relax.

Cassandra Classic

Cassandra creates story events on a classic, increasing curve of challenge and tension. She’ll push you with dangerous events, then give breathing room, then come back to push once more.

Phoebe Chillax

Phoebe gives lots of time between disasters to build your colony. But beware - at higher difficulties, she’ll hit as hard as anyone.

Randy Random

Randy doesn’t follow rules. He’ll generate random events and he doesn’t care if they make a story triumphant or utterly hopeless. It’s all a drama to him.

A.I. driven random events and stories

The game controls the random events and scenarios the world throws at you. Everything in the game is designed to move your colony’s story along in the most interesting and entertaining way for you, the player. From thunderstorms, pirate raids to deadly autonomous robots, no colony’s rise and fall is ever going to be the same as the last.

Build. Defend. Explore.

Settle on an unknown, dangerous planet randomly generated from pole to equator. Guide your crash pods to a safe landing in diverse and challenging biomes: stifling jungle or arid desert, desolate tundra or bountiful forest.


Make your colony your own. After crash landing on the RimWorld, build your colony from the ground up. You are free to design your base however you see fit. Maybe you want your colonists to survive on a steady diet of potatoes and rice. Are your colonists pet lovers? Build pens and tend to as many animals as you can manage.


Your base is constantly vulnerable to attacks. The game will spawn a wide range of enemies throughout your colony’s life, from small rabid squirrels to massive mechanoid monstrosities wielding off-world weaponry. The story tellers control the speed and strength of these attacks - your colony always needs to be prepared.

Develop defensive strategies with traps, weapons and projectiles so your colonists are ready for anything.


You choose where to begin your journey in RimWorld but you are not stuck there. Form caravans with your colonists, animals and prisoners and head out to complete quests, rescue kidnapped allies or build up your relationships with other factions. Begin trade deals and negotiations, peace talks or instead attack enemy colonies.

Intelligent Colonist Interactions

As the story unfolds, colonists develop and break relationships with family members, friends, and lovers. Managing colonists’ fluctuating needs, moods, and afflictions are key to running a successful colony.

Everything in RimWorld Console Edition interacts with and has a tangible effect on the objects, characters and space directly (and sometimes indirectly) around them. Colonists talk, hang out and develop relationships and long lasting bonds with their peers which has a profound effect in the day-to-day life of your colony. Some will come to like each other, whilst others may hate and despise them.

Each colonist in RimWorld Console Edition is randomly generated with their own tastes, likes, dislikes and personality traits. They are not professional settlers. You can end up with a range of interesting characters coming together to survive in a hostile environment.